Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Dionysus is the god of wine. At Camp Half-Blood, he is the camp director and known as Mr. D. He is the son of Zeus and a mortal named Semele. Dionysus was made a god by Zeus when he discovered wine. After chasing after an off-limits wood nymph twice, Zeus punished him by putting him in charge of Camp Half-Blood for 100 years. During this time, he is not allowed to drink wine or grow wine grapes. He has the fewest demigod children out of all the gods, not including the Big Three or the virgin goddesses- only having two sons, his twins, Pollux and Castor- possibly due to his hatred of heroes or his strong dedication to his wife Ariadne on Olympus. Castor, who was one of his sons, died in the final book. After that, Dionysus started to be more protective of his only son Pollux.